Sunday 9 October 2011

Warm welcome from Praslin Tortoises

This small tortoise is few months old. Very tiny, but moves very fast.
It's kept separately from the big ones until grows enough
not to be squashed by the grown ups, which is about 15 years.

Ten maly zolw ma tylko kilka miesiecy. Bardzo maly, ale rowniez bardzo szybki.
Jest trzymany oddzielnie z dala od duzych zolwni z prostej przyczyny,
zeby nie zostal zgnieciony. Male dolaczaja do doroslych po ok. 15 latach.

This new friend is quite a bit older than me. He is 82
and very big as you can see. With ease he will live over 100.

Ten nowy przyjaciel jest nieco starszy ode mnie, ma az 82 lata
i konkretne rozmiary i zapewne z latwoscia przezyje 100 lat.

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